chat service


Live Chat service is an effective option for companies who are planning to provide live help to their customers without adding call center agents. The live chat support service is a straight forward and easily measured tool for companies looking to better their customer experience while reducing their cost per contact.

Why implement Live Chat?

  • Chat can easily be a 24/7 method of contact for your customers
  • Many customers prefer chat as their primary method of contact
  • Chat can be multi-tasked by agents and reduces your cost per contact
  • Chat conversations are text based and give contextual analytics for reporting and quality management

Types of Chat Services:

Chat Services are typically categorized into either Static or Active.

Static chat is usually implemented by including a link on your website allowing your customers to press a “click-to-chat” button in order to be connected to a chat agent.

Active chat is more sophisticated and engages the company and the chat provider in analyzing site traffic and typical site navigation and buying patterns. This allows for the proactive offer of chat upon certain customer behavior on the site. Sitting on a product comparison page, or service offering matrix page for a long time might indicate your customer needs help in deciding what product or service to purchase, for example.

We can help you with your Chat needs and will help you bring your customer service to the age of Chat. Contact us today and we will help you decide if Chat is right for your organization.